Buying International Standards Cheaply

When you are designing hardware products, you have to adhere to quite a few industry standards out there before you can officially sell in an international market Eg: EN60950-1 for device safety, EN301489-1 for EMC etc. When I was starting out there were hardly any resources out there to tell you what is what and how to even pass these certifications. I see quite a lot of startup founders struggling with this in their early stages and usually choose to not comply with standards just because they don’t know what it is(Also testing it is expensive). Standards usually cost quite a lot of money(hundreds of dollars) and startup folks struggling to make ends meet just wouldn’t have the funds to buy them.

One website which I highly recommend to everyone will be It’s a standards website that lets you download most of the international standards at less than 1/10th market price. It’s maintained by the Estonian Govt. Do check it out if you ever need to buy or explore standards.

Another source is India’s own BIS website to purchase standards. Prices are low and you will mostly find Indian versions of the International standards which are mostly cut/copy-paste of the original ones(maybe a few edits here and there). The website though is badly maintained.

In my personal opinion, I don’t think the Indian government should be in the business of selling standards for price for at least the Indian companies(even if prices are cheap). If you want your companies to start increasing their quality to compete with the world, this information should be out there for free and not behind any paywalls. These standards should be introduced into the Engg curriculums as well so that students can learn this in their colleges and not hear about it for the first time in their jobs.

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