Old GameBoy Advance SP Restoration

Brought this beauty back from the dead today. 🙂

Was cleaning the home and found this guy in a pretty bad state. Buttons were broken, the ON-OFF switch not working and leaked batteries. Replaced the pushbuttons salvaged from my kit, cleaned up all the battery residue and replaced it with a beefy 4000mAh rechargeable LiPo battery followed by a wash with IPC to remove all the dust between switches.

The device turned ON but then the cartridge was not working. Tore it down and found a lot of water damage(I presume). Cleaned it up and reflowed the entire cartridge to reinforce the solder and voila it jumped back to life with Spidey back on screen.

A Sunday morning well spent. ?

Gameboy Advance Teardown

Gameboy Advance Teardown

Gameboy Advance Teardown
Gameboy Advance Catridge
Gameboy Advance Catridge
Repaired Gameboy with a 4000mAh Battery
Repaired Unit with a 4000mAh Battery

Check out the video of it coming back from the dead.

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